Our work with It’s Nice That has seen us building and supporting their site and select satellite sites since early 2008. Version 3 launched in 2012, and plans are afoot for 2014...
Code Club is a nationwide network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children aged 9-11. We’ve helped them with Code Club and Code Club World (and our own Jamie runs a Code Club around the corner, too).
House Seven is Soho House’s website and weekly newsletter for members. We relaunched it in 2013, bringing more of what members love about Soho House online - like events, screenings and bespoke content filtered by House.
We began our relationship with Visual Editions alongside long term associates Airside, who are now sadly no more. Happily, VE are - and we’ve just helped them design and build a new site, due to launch in early 2014.
The current Labour and Wait website and shop brings their digital offering up-to-date whilst being mindful of their core beliefs of quality and functionality.
For the third year in a row we've teamed up with the creative team at Bestival to deliver the festival website.
We worked closely with EIS and Bear to create this tightly-integrated duo of member-only sites. Talent Matters, a quarterly magazine of cutting edge industry insight and P3, the hub for participants in EIS’ Performance Pathway Programme.
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In February 2014 we worked with the LCO and Jonny Greenwood ahead of their concert at Wapping Hydraulic Power Station. We created an audio-visual interface for audience participation which you can read about and play with here.
Designer, illustrator and author Marion Deuchars has a growing series of ‘Let’s Make Some Great Art’ books. We built some online games to support the books.
This At There is a curated countdown of exhibitions in London from the team at It’s Nice That. Fewer kick-yourself moments upon realising an earmarked show has closed already; we think it’s the most mobile-friendly what’s on guide to art and design shows in town.
One of our most recent Soho House sites was the design and build for Chicken Shop - which we’ve now updated to include their new location in Tooting.
The new Melrose and Morgan website, designed by Studio Frith, is our latest CMS and Shopify hybrid build, designed to enable both easy editorial and e-commerce capability to their in-house team.
In collaboration with Fivefootsix, we designed and built a new website for Julian Stevens, a leader in the field of ophthalmology and laser eye surgery.
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Since 2010 we have been a core digital partner of Soho House, responsible for the majority of their 40+ digital ventures and domains. We are currently in the process of launching all-new, Mentally Friendly designed sites for each of their locations, including Babington House and Soho House New York.
We worked alongside technical partners in the UI redesign of the BBC introducing Uploader and behind the scenes Peel system.
We recently designed, built - and launched - an entirely new website with TAIT, one of the biggest live production companies around.
Working with identity designer Linda Byrne we’ve been a design and digital partner of Cut Laser Cut since 2011.
Since 2011 we’ve worked with family investment office SandAire, redesigning, building, and providing ongoing support for their website. Their site incorporates their core brand proposition “More to wealth” - including reading lists, insights and other financially focused content from the expert team.
In collaboration with design studio Birch we also recently joined in with the rebrand and relaunch of The Electric, covering all four elements: House, Cinema, Diner and - last but not least - Doughnuts.
We recently helped with the relaunch of Betty & Walter’s site, built with Shopify to sell Lisa Levis’s range of bags, homeware, stationery and toiletries.